Papillomas on the genitals of men. How to get rid of them?

The human body is an amazing system with many components, and among the microorganisms in it you can find not only beneficial and harmless microorganisms, but also bacteria that adversely affect health. Some of them are present in the body from birth, while others may occur during daily and / or sexual contact.

The latter includes the papilloma virus, which cannot manifest in any way for a long time. Its distribution is approximately equal between both sexes, and they can appear in different zones (including the genitals). However, papillomas in men are not as dangerous as in women, which can be called, albeit small, but a consolation for the representatives of the strong half of humanity.

What is HPV?

This virus spreads in human blood. Infection with it contributes to the appearance of small papillomas, which are tumors (usually benign). They do not form on the body immediately, but over a period of time.

skin papillomas

Flat papillomas can grow up to an inch or more, and their appearance is usually concentrated on the armpits, face, and groin area. Today, doctors are familiar with over a hundred types of viruses in question, and several of them can enter the body at the same time.

Characteristics of papillomas on the male penis

Unfortunately, when genital formations appear on a man’s penis, a man simply cannot pay attention to them. For a long time, such growths do not manifest in any way, because their place in hard-to-reach places often goes unnoticed and does not cause discomfort.

This situation is very uncomfortable and even dangerous, because papillomas on the penis can eventually lead to more serious diseases, such as squamous cell carcinoma and so on.

Of course, in practice the human papilloma virus does not often cause such terrible consequences, but every risk must be taken into account. For this reason, experienced doctors recommend periodic undergoing a comprehensive examination that can detect any diseases and viral diseases.


In addition, in men, neoplasms on the penis occur very rarely, and are more often preceded by all kinds of chronic or acute inflammatory processes.

Sometimes papillomas on the penis may not appear even if this virus is present in the male body. In this case, the person is simply a carrier of HPV, but does not get sick from it.

However, the treatment procedure should be followed even if there are no signs of the disease, as the papilloma virus is easily transmitted through sexual and even home contact. Therefore, your relatives and friends, whose immunity is not strong enough to fight the infection, can get sick.

Danger of detecting a growth on the male genital organ

Even small papillomas on the genitals of men pose a very high risk, because they can lead to the formation of cancerous tumors.
However, modern medicine is well developed and you can solve problems fairly quickly. Timely treatment of papillomas on the penis takes about a week and gives excellent results without recurrence.

If you delay contact with a doctor, you can’t do without surgery. In this case, there is a risk of subsequent degeneration of the papilloma on the head of the penis.

In such a situation, their treatment will be more difficult and will take a very long time. However, this situation is completely solvable without unpleasant consequences and you just need to consult your doctor in time.

a man is considering how to treat HPV

Characteristics of disease diagnosis

It is possible to self-diagnose human papilloma virus on the male penis, although some inaccuracies in the definition of the disease are always possible.

But you will not be able to determine the stage of development of the disease without an experienced doctor. Any conclusions can be made only on the basis of the conclusion of a qualified urologist, whose task is to interview and examine the patient.

In addition, with papillomas on the penis and testicles, it is necessary to pass a series of tests, among which the main swab is for determining HPV. If the doctor detects concomitant diseases, then they will initially need to be treated, and only then will a plan for the papilloma virus be drawn up.

When it comes to treating papillomas, there are no single recommendations for all men. Much also depends on the test results, individual characteristics of the organism and intolerance to drug components.

Therefore, self-medication at home without prior consultation with a professional doctor can turn into unpleasant consequences.

How do papillomas develop on the male penis?

As mentioned several times above, without competent and rapid treatment of benign papillomas, they can eventually develop into malignant tumors. In order not to regret the delay, when it is too late, it is better to contact a dermatovenerologist and urologist as soon as possible. These two experts will help you solve the problem associated with papillomas on the skin of the penis.

Once HPV enters the human body, neoplasms on the body do not appear immediately. Depending on the activity of the epithelium and the functioning of the immune system, papillomas on the penis can appear very quickly or long after infection. However, in any case, they go through the following stages of their development:

  1. Transition of phimosis to advanced stage;
  2. Accumulation of smegma below the inner leaf of the foreskin;
  3. Subsequent urinary tract smegma infection, which often causes malignant tumors;
  4. Inflammation of the head and trunk of the penis;
  5. Erosion of the penis;
  6. The appearance of a pronounced papilloma, which can then lead to the development of penile cancer.

The importance of rapid removal of papillomas on the penis

Of course, papillomas on the glans penis are very uncomfortable. And it’s not just about the possible discomfort or likelihood of developing other diseases, but also the embarrassment a person can experience when they go to the doctor.

For this reason, many representatives of the strong half of humanity are in no hurry to treat papillomas on the penis, hoping that in time they will disappear on their own or rely on their own strength.

treatment of HPV penis at the doctor

In fact, you only risk your health even more. HPV is exactly the case when you need to be as honest with your doctor as possible. In this case, it is necessary not only to pass the necessary tests, but also to answer all the doctor's questions, no matter how personal they are.

Only in this way, the expert will be able to say with certainty why new growths appeared on the penis and what to do to get rid of papillomas.

Usually, medications alone do not solve the problem, so you may need to intervene to completely remove papillomas from the penis. This can be done in several popular ways:

  • Cryosurgery.In this case, the neoplasms are removed with liquid nitrogen. The advantage of such a procedure lies in the complete absence of contraindications, and it can be used at any stage of the disease development. However, other methods will be more desirable if you want to experience as few unpleasant sensations as possible. Cryosurgery is considered the most painful way to remove papillomas on the head of the penis, followed by the possibility of ulceration and / or erosion.
  • Electrocoagulation.A quick and almost painless procedure that leaves no scars or scars. Unfortunately, there are also some drawbacks, and under the influence of the needle electrode, pigment spots can form on the penis.
  • Radio waves.Among all the ways in which papillomas can be removed, this one is one of the most attractive. The relative novelty and, as a result, the lack of long enough testing do not allow him to become a leader in medicine. The available results prove that papillomas can be cured by radio waves not only quickly and painlessly, but also very carefully. After such an operation, absolutely no traces remain on the penis.
  • Chemical solution.If the growths around the head are small, then special solutions applied to the growths are the best solution. With their help, the papilloma on the head disappears on its own, leaving almost no traces. But the solutions are not suitable for everyone, because they sometimes cause allergies.
  • Scalpel.Classical surgery has been used for many years, so removing papillomas on the head of the penis in this way is considered the most probable and reliable option. In this case, there is no pain due to the use of local anesthesia, but the appearance of a scar after the procedure is very likely.

To remove papillomas once and for all, drug therapy after removal of the growth is also an important part of treatment. Folk remedies can be used in its framework, but it is not recommended to just give them up.


Since papilloma appears on the genital trunk due to the virus, the use of antiviral agents is mandatory. After such drugs, the concentration of HPV in human blood decreases, and the immune system continues its normal work.

Prevention of HPV and prevention of infection

If you don’t even want to know what papillomas look like, then you need to follow a few important recommendations from experienced doctors. With their help, you can prevent the possibility of tumors on the penis and avoid many other problems. The first step is to understand why papillomas appear on the genitals. They can occur due to:

  1. Contact of the household with an infected person or objects he has recently touched;
  2. Intimacy with a virus carrier;
  3. Long-term use of antibiotics, which caused a significant deterioration in immunity;
  4. Constant stress and persistent bad habits.

Benign tumors on the foreskin most often appear after sex (not only classic, but also anal or oral) with an infected partner. Therefore, you should always use condoms in intimate contact with unknown girls.

You should also not forget about the rules of personal hygiene, because it largely depends on the work of the immune system, as well as the progression of infections and viruses. You should not contact the personal belongings of a person you do not know or a loved one who has signs of illness.

consultation with a doctor about HPV on the penis

Quitting bad habits like consuming alcohol and smoking is always one of the best ways to protect yourself from many diseases. This is especially important if the frequency of drinking and smoking cigarettes is at a very high level.

Remember a healthy lifestyle. Papillomas on the scrotum and penis will never appear if your immunity is high. Exercise, follow your diet and take vitamins occasionally. The last point may not be needed by everyone, but in winter and during stressful life periods, the body's protective function always needs additional support.

To never notice white formations on the bridle, trunk and scrotum of the genital organ, you can also resort to vaccination. Modern medicine offers several vaccine preparations at once that fight the popular strains of viruses 16 and 18, which leads to the growth of white, pink or brown papillomas.

The disadvantage of this approach is that the vaccines available today are very recent and have not passed standard testing for this class of drugs.

How to get rid of papilloma on the penis folk remedies?

Mankind has been familiar with viruses for a very long time, and before the breakthrough in medicine, which has been observed for just over a century, people had to deal with them by improvised means. Thanks to this, many popular recipes and ways to get rid of HPV have been created.

Of course, papillomas are always easier to remove with the help of professional drugs, but at the same time, the achievements of folk craftsmen can be used in parallel with the master plan of treatment or use them for preventive purposes.

folk methods against HPV on the penis

The recommendations below can be used both separately and in combination. For safety reasons, it is only important to consult your doctor, because the viral infection was caused by another disease or, on the other hand, caused the development of a new disease, then some alternative methods of treatment will only make the situation worse.

But after diagnosis, examination and absence of contraindications, you can safely apply the following recipes:

  1. Apply tea tree oil on the nipples until they are completely gone. The procedure should be performed several times a week, and if the spread of tumors on the skin is too large, the frequency of application of the agent may increase;
  2. Use of vinegar. This medicine should be used carefully and only on the affected area. You must apply vinegar to the papilloma once a day. After such a procedure, the accumulation should fall off quickly;
  3. Applying magnesium 2 times a day;
  4. Tumor removal with celandine juice. This method is one of the most effective. Even in conventional medicines, celandine is very often used as the main active ingredient;
  5. Honey to enhance the effect. Celery juice will work even better if the papilloma is smeared with honey at night;
  6. Egg whites. This drug will bring results only if used on a new papilloma. Education, which appeared long ago, cannot be removed in this way;
  7. Rosehip and / or echinacea tincture. By themselves they will not give any effect, but in combination with other folk remedies, recovery will come faster;
  8. Garlic application. This food product fights warts well, but for more practical and safer use it must be thoroughly crushed, mixed with hand cream and only then applied to the affected area of skin.