

Warts occur in the human body via contamination of one type of papilloma virus, which is transmitted in consequence of contact: a handshake, walking barefoot in public areas, swimming in the pool, the shared shower) also if you use household items. Warts can be of size from 1 mm to 15 mm, it depends on their place of education, look. Warts can form large tumors hemispherical or conical shape. Over time, their color changes. First, the color of warts same color skin, then they become brown, rarely black, more the color is acquired through the mud, which is easily overlaid on the uneven surface of the warts. The incubation period of warts is at least 5-6 weeks to 5-6 months. To infection normal contact is not enough, one should also have the presence of several factors, which include excessive sweating of hands and feet, microtrauma on the skin, immunodeficiency.

VD warts:

Among warts distinguish 4 main types: simple (or normal), flat, genital warts and senile warts.

  • The simple wart is a Horny papules with a diameter of from 1 to 10 mm. most Often they are formed on the back surface of the hands . This kind of warts to pass himself for two years and it does not require any treatment.
  • Plantar warts - they also are conventional and have on the feet in places pressure shoes, because the feet steamy. First, the wart is a small size with characteristic brilliance, then becomes keratinized papule plaque or yellowish-gray color, its surface becomes rough and uneven. This wart usually solitary, but sometimes found them 3-6 and more. Stronger than all the pain to deliver a tight, Horny, dirty-gray in color plantar warts. In some cases, this kind of warts can cause disability.
  • Flat (juvenile warts) are clearly demarcated papules with a smooth surface and their diameter is from 1 to 5 mm, protruding 1-2 mm above the skin . These warts are mainly the connection of children and young people. Flat warts have the appearance of rounded or irregular flat nodules, which are located on the dorsum of hands, shins, and also on the face . Color light brown, pink or flesh . The appearance of flat warts lead to skin irritation ( the connection has scratches, cuts, etc.).
  • Genital warts (condyloma) is a very small pink colored skin growths that lead to stockebrand the growth of soft consistency which corporal or red. This kind of warts compound is on the genitals in men and women. The disease is transmitted through sexual contact, most often round the genitals are microtrauma (cracking). If to get rid of them, they can grow large and cause harm to human health. Warts lead to the development of other infectious diseases of the genital organs. According to statistics, more than their appearance inclined women with a high probability of developing cervical cancer.
  • Senile warts (keratomas, seborrhoeic keratosis, seborrhoeic wart, bazalnoe-accurate papilloma) - a benign tumor. From the title it is clear that this type of warts compound the elderly. The reasons are not clear but it is believed that they develop from cells of the basal layer of the epidermis, on the surface of the hair follicle. Symptoms of seborrheic keratosis is most often appear on the chest, at least on the face, neck, hands, surfaces of the forearms. Palms and soles are exceptions. This wart hits the mucous membranes, usually no more than 20, their size from 0.3 to 3.5 cm, and rarely reaches 4.5-5 cm.

a wart on the skin

Causes of warts

The main cause of warts is HPV (human papilloma virus). The most common method of infection is a direct contact, like shaking hands with the person who has the wart. Still be infected with HPV virus from touching infected items such as handrails in public transport, towels, nail files, nail clippers, etc. The HPV virus comes into the human being through damage to the skin: cracks, scratches, any skin irritation and cuts. One of the types of warts, spread by sexual contact is genital warts. According to statistics over 80% of people are carriers of the HPV virus and not know it. HPV can pass completely asymptomatic. The reasons for it include:

  • Breakdown or stress
  • a weak immune system
  • Hypothermia
  • Severe sweating
  • Wearing synthetic clothing, tight shoes and shoes made of artificial materials
  • Microtrauma (get hurt while shaving)

Not taking measures to treat warts immediately, the person can infect the whole body "colonies" of the wart. So, as we already know, the cause of warts is the human papilloma virus (HPV), which infected more than 80% of people on earth, and each infected person can have several types of virus simultaneously, and without knowing it, because of their asymptomatic course. Every year rasprostranenie the HPV virus in the countries has been steadily increasing. Most often, the infection occurs by direct contact with the skin and mucous membranes and, less frequently, infection may occur through everyday items (nail files, scissors, etc.)

Wart treatment

Now that we know what warts are, how they manifest themselves and what are their causes, we know they can treatment of medical and folk remedies.

General principles of treatment of warts

Today there is no such method treat warts, which eliminated bi their cause (the human papilloma virus (HPV)) completely. The appearance of warts may occur again after any of the methods of removal. The likelihood of recurrence is the same after any method of treatment and is 25% - 40%. Most methods of wart removal leave traces on the body - scars. At the same time, we see a common sequence: the more effective method of removal, the higher the likelihood of scarring and scars. Warts may behave very unpredictably disappear without treatment, but they can not go after the most effective methods of treatment. In adults and in individuals with low immunity and during a long period of warts by yourself warts are rare. First, you need to try safe therapies. Then, if you do not see effect, then you should go to more aggressive treatment. To begin treatment of warts by laser removal you'd better not, since this method of treatment has the highest risk of scarring and it does not decrease the likelihood of relapse.

warts on your finger

Medical can get rid of warts.

The appearance of warts is the right solution to pay for the advice of a dermatologist, who will pick up the drugs to enhance immunity and soothe the nerve. In addition, the doctor will select the right way to get rid of warts. Such methods include:

  • Cryosurgery (freezing the wart with liquid nitrogen). To the wart evenly pinned on wooden rustic palicz swab or special medical cryoapplicator applied liquid nitrogen, thereby freezing the wart for 15-40 seconds. After that, the wart changes color to white and becomes thick, then within the hour , in its place formed a bubble that lasts 4-8 days, and then it gradually dries out. Fully crust leaves in two and a half weeks, leaving a light pink stain. For plantar warts you need a longer course of several cryoprocedure at intervals of 2-3 days.
  • Electrocoagulation (removal of warts using current). Under the high-frequency current wart "cut off" a thin metal loop, it helps to prevent bleeding and disinfects the tissue. While the doctor will material to check it for cancer . Operation take place under local anesthesia . After the current connection is a thin crust that disappears by itself after 5-7 days (not to leave a scar it is better not to wet).
  • Laser photocoagulation (removal of warts by laser). Wart removed bullet after bullet with a laser under local anesthesia. After the procedure, the location where the wart is a small deepening which is leveled independently in 3-4 weeks. If we talk about plantar wart, then you need to keep in mind that within 3-4 weeks we will have less to walk.
  • Surgical excision of warts. The method applies only if the warts are very large (or there are some warts merged into one). Everything superfluous is cut out with a scalpel, and always goes to research . Procedure to undergo under local anesthesia . Skin sutured cosmetic suture, after which remain thin light scar.
  • Chemical methods. They imply one-time or course treatment of warts a caustic acid or alkali . Thus a high probability of damaging the tissue around the warts, or even worse, infection . It is a very painful method of wart removal. With the exception that the treatment is salicylic acid. You can buy in any pharmacy in liquid form, as an ointment or as a special patch. For some types of warts it is quite good. Most importantly, remember that you only want to remove the wart from the skin where she was a connection – that is, you should smear or to stick with only the wart.

a wart on the palm of your hand

Traditional treatment of warts.

  • Every day, several times a day to lubricate the wart with an infusion of wormwood. A strong decoction of sage (1 Cup of boiling water you need to add 3 tablespoons of sage, boil 2-3 minutes, then within half an hour insist under the lid). A decoction is used for daily lubrication of warts.
  • Every day 3-4 times, you need to RUB warts with garlic grey. Treatment should continue until the complete disappearance of warts, which takes two to three weeks to a month, in some cases, treatment may take longer.
  • Squeeze the juice of celandine or dandelion. Daily lubricate the wart in this juice. The treatment last about 2-4 weeks.
  • To make roasted garlic with butter.
  • The connection appeared at the foot warts, oil tea tree oil 3-4 times a day. Oil You can buy in most pharmacies and its cost is small. No need to dilute the oil, because the skin of the feet is thicker and therefore less outlive compared to skin on other parts of the body. If you think that Your skin cutliff, there was a higher likelihood of irritation, to avoid this You need to dilute the oil, using aloe Vera gel or water. Dilute the oil in the ratio 50: 50.
  • Carefully, without damaging tumors RUB it clean with chalk, sprinkling the top has a bit of chalk. Tie so that moisture did not get through to POV'yazku. With such connectivity a bundle of need to walk day.
  • Infuse raw onion in acetic essence and tied to tie her for the night. Do several times daily until until the wart will not work with root.
  • Mash the garlic clove to the mouth, then add a little lemon juice and add flour to make dough. Then on the wart, apply the patch with the hole in the middle for the knot. One for the wart to stick the dough with garlic and top to put a band-aid larger. This connectedness connection keep 2-3 days, each day replacing it with a new one.
  • If the wart falls off, it is necessary to lubricate the skin Vishnevsky ointment and bandage. Ointment to apply to the complete healing of wounds.
  • Instead of the above-described recipe garlic test for removal of warts you can use a piece of Kalanchoe. POV yazki to do it every day several times a day, changing a piece of Kalanchoe fresh. After these procedures warts completely disappear.
  • Daily several times a day to grease warts with lemon juice or juice of sour apples. Allow to dry, without washing. The acidic juice reduces the wart in size and days 8-12 it will disappear completely.
  • Buy in any pharmacy green liquid soap and use for communication the connection to the wart. Soak a piece of bandage pretty and secure it on the wart with a band-aid.
  • The disappearance of the warts helps the juice from fresh berries of mountain ash. Juice lubricate warts 3-4 times a day.
  • To lubricate the wart and apply a fresh juice of green tomatoes.
  • Place the horseradish with the salt, make compresses on the warts.
  • Removal of warts dry ice. A piece of ice to keep on the wart for as long as possible, repeating the process several times a day
  • Hot water (Hyperthermia). The method is extremely simple and involves immersion of the hands or feet affected by warts, for 25-35 minutes in as hot water, which a person can stand (usually 43 — 47°C). The procedure is carried out 3-4 times a week. The mechanism of action of hyperthermia POV associated with redness of the skin by dilating small blood vessels with subsequent activation of the immune system. This method is primitive and therefore often causes ridicule patients. Nevertheless, hyperthermia is very effective. Method is better when the plantar warts.

The consequences of warts

Warts become cancerous is extremely rare, although prolonged friction and injury may develop inflammation. The consequences of warts include:

  • Their spread to nearby areas on the human body;
  • Frequent relapses after treatment;
  • The appearance of scars after their removal;
  • The entry of infection, especially if the integrity of the warts have been violated;
  • The accession of infection, especially if the integrity of the warts is broken;
  • The possibility of converting certain types of warts into malignant;